Press Release: Positive Training for Nonprofit Boards, Staff, and Volunteers - The Nonprofit MBA Podcast
Building a strong process for raising major gifts involves strategic planning, personalized donor engagement, and ongoing stewardship. By understanding the importance of major gifts and implementing the right steps, your nonprofit can secure the necessary funding to achieve its mission and make a lasting impact.
How to a create 5-star donor experience
It's not too hard to stand out these days because while so many nonprofits might seem shiny and impressive on the outside, their donor experience is inconsistent and sucks.
Leaders who raise millions ask for millions
If you have a big vision for impact, you must have even bigger courage. If your future self raises tens of millions or hundreds of millions, when would be a good time to prioritize courage? When would be a good time to elevate your strategy? To learn a new way of going about this entire fundraising thing? The best leaders know there is never a good time. The time is now.
What to do when projections don't meet the goal
Ever make your strategic plan and then the numbers just don't add up to the goal? What do you do? There are so many options to get to your goals. I find that oftentimes CEOs and leaders end up working themselves to the bone, doing so much…When there is a better, more efficient way to reach your goal.
Biggest major gifts fundraising mistakes (and what to do instead)
Here's what I know is at play when we don't know where donors are and can't find the time to fundraise: We concoct fancy, smart ways to procrastinate sitting across from people and asking them straight up for a major gift. Who are these people? People who already give, already support, already know who you are, and are passionate about the mission or the organization.
Unveiling Strategies That Undermine Major Gifts Growth
I want us all to win. I want the world to become a more generous and courageous place. This is my agenda. It starts with you. Me. We must become courageous. We must own our influence with wealthy donors. We must ask for more. It's not only our responsibility. It's our calling.
Quick Wins For Major Gifts
Ever just needed a quick win or to bring in an extra $10k unrestricted gift? Yeah, I get it. I think we've all been there. Here's what I typically do and I hope you'll use this (and bookmark it) so you can use this anytime you get in a spot where you need an influx of cash.
Best way to find new major donors
Your best bet for growing your pipeline of donors is taking great care of the ones you have and asking them to introduce you to folks like them. If you are not taking great care of your current donors, then you likely struggle to get them to make intros.