Unveiling Strategies That Undermine Major Gifts Growth
Strategies sabotaging major gifts growth:
1. Progress Reports in Major Gift Requests
Share impact year-round, not just when asking for gifts.
2. No Email Reply as Disinterest
Don't assume silence means disinterest. Follow up.
3. Investing Only in the Ask
Tailor pitches to donor interests and passions.
4. Annual Reports: Beyond 20 Pages
Use engaging formats to showcase impact.
5. Information Overload
Keep it concise. Highlight key points.
6. Repeating Strategies Year After Year
Innovate. Explore fresh approaches.
7. Thanking Only for Financial Contributions
Express gratitude for all support, not just financial.
8. Renewal Requests in Sept-Dec
Consider strategic timing for renewal requests.
9. Asking for Percentage Increases
Don't leave money on the table. Ask for more.
10. Expecting Gala Gifts
Diversify ask opportunities beyond galas.
11. Budgetary vs. Mission Focus
Emphasize mission and vision in asks.
12. Long, Wordy Emails
Keep emails concise with clear asks.
13. Assuming Donors Are Tapped Out
Re-engage past donors. Don't assume.
14. Donor-Led Meetings
Maintain focus on objectives during meetings.
15. Overemphasizing Liquid Giving
Explore non-liquid giving options.
16. Asking What You're Comfortable With
Challenge comfort zones when asking.
17. Accepting Low Offers Without Clarification
Explore the donor's willingness to give more.
18. Chasing Uninterested Wealthy Donors
Focus efforts on genuinely interested donors.
19. Lack of Collaboration
Collaborate and build a strong team.
20. Delay in Hiring Fundraising Staff
Expand your team strategically.
21. Goal as Your "Why"
Align your "why" with your mission, not just goals.
I could keep going but I won't.
Success strategies
(what I teach my Million Dollar VIP clients):
Assume the best of your donors
They are generous at their core
Want to make a big difference
Want to give as much as they can!
Ask powerful, clear questions. Straight up ask.
Want to know why they give? Ask
When they say they will give, ask how much they have in mind
When they say they will give, ask when
Want to understand what they are passionate about? Ask
Get help. Work as a team.
Hire someone to help you with development
Get a coach and strategist (Hi, that's me!)
Get training if you need it (Sign up for CourageLab)
Get an assistant to take operational and admin pieces off of your plate
Ask for more.
Got DAF donors? Ask them to double their gifts
Set up a brokerage account and receive gifts of appreciated stock
Ask loyal donors for multi-year commitments
Learn about these tactics in my workshop: Upgrade Your Major Donors Bootcamp
I want us all to win.
I want the world to become a more generous and courageous place.
This is my agenda.
It starts with you. Me.
We must become courageous. We must own our influence with wealthy donors. We must ask for more.
It's not only our responsibility. It's our calling.
Do you accept it?
When you're ready, there are three ways to work with me:
💪 CourageLab: Get the courage & strategy to ask for more and raise $10k gifts in 6 weeks
🚀 Million Dollar VIP: 1:1 Customized major gifts strategy and fundraising coaching for ambitious CEOs
⚡️90-minute 1:1 Strategy Intensive: Major gifts consult for you and up to 3 team members