Quick Wins For Major Gifts

Ever just needed a quick win or to bring in an extra $10k unrestricted gift?

Yeah, I get it. I think we've all been there.

Here's what I typically do and I hope you'll use this (and bookmark it) so you can use this anytime you get in a spot where you need an influx of cash.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who are our biggest fans? They really love what you do, the trust level is high in both you and your organization

  • Who would consider giving a $10k gift or an additional gift if you just called them up and asked?

Rules that apply: You have to have a relationship with this person and they have to be a current donor. As in, given in the last 12-18 months.

When you identify who those folks are, call them up.

Here's how the call could go:

  • Share why you're calling I thought of you today and wanted to reach out to ask you for additional support. We have really big goals this year and we need your help to get there.

  • Ask for permission - Would it be alright if I talked with you about how I'd like your help?

  • Give brief organizational update - So far this year, we've saved 1,000 dogs from being euthanized in our county and our goal is to _______. We're 75% of the way and this is where you come in.

  • Why them - DO NOT SKIP THIS PART - I'm reaching out to you because I know you care deeply about this cause, you have been one of our most loyal supporters and you're a generous person.

  • Make the ask For those reasons, will you consider giving an additional $10,000 this year?

BE QUIET NOW. Let them respond.

If they say they will give SOMETHING. ➡️ Ask what "something" is. May I know what amount or range you have in mind?

If they say yes, ask WHEN they plan to give and HOW.

If they say they need to think about it, let them know when you plan to follow up. [A week is usually good.]If they say no, or can't right now, they will usually tell you why. If they don't tell you why, ask why. Find out. May I know why you won't be giving? Try to use the language that they used.

If you're thinking, Wow, that is aggressive or Wow, that really takes guts. YEAH! IT SURE DOES!

Do you think you change the world without having GUTS?

Of course not.

How do you think people raise $50M or hundreds of millions?

Do you think they accept scraps or use vague language, or beat around the bush?

The fastest way to get some respect for your work and what you do is to teach people how to relate to you.

If you communicate like an executive who is clear and direct, and makes bold asks, and is unapologetic about your mission, then that's how people will begin to see you.

If you lack the guts to do this, even though I just spelled it out for ya, don't judge yourself. I created a program called CourageLab to help leaders raise more major gifts because fear is so common.

If you use this framework, reply in the comments below and let me know how it goes. I hope you get that quick win and I hope you use this to raise major gifts in just one call.

It can change the way you view what's possible for you.

Major gifts is the most efficient way to raise unrestricted revenue for your organization.


When you're ready, there are three ways to work with me:

💪 CourageLab: Get the courage & strategy to ask for more and raise $10k gifts in 6 weeks

🚀 Million Dollar VIP: 1:1 Customized major gifts strategy and fundraising coaching for ambitious CEOs

⚡️ 90-minute 1:1 Strategy Intensive: Major gifts consult for you and up to 3 team members

Julie Ordoñez

Leading ambitious nonprofit leaders get the courage to ask for more and raise major gifts in record time


Unveiling Strategies That Undermine Major Gifts Growth


Best way to find new major donors