Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

How do I know I'm getting more courageous?

It can be so difficult to be able to tell when you're growing as a person. Sometimes when you're growing in character, it can feel like you're regressing. Growth comes when you do more of what makes you uncomfortable and afraid. So, here's how I know that I'm growing in courage.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

How to overcome the fear of asking

I wonder if the same people who struggle to ask for money from donors 1:1 also struggle to ask for ANYTHING in life in general. Is this true for you? Do you struggle to renegotiate deadlines when you're running behind and need more time? Or do you RUSH and break your back to make it work?

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

Individual giving or grants? How do you prioritize? Let's talk

We prioritize grants over gifts because it's less intimidating to apply for a grant than it is to look someone in the eye and ask them to give their personal money to support your mission. We don't do it because it's more strategic. I'm not saying grants are bad. I'm saying don't prioritize them over individual giving.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

3 tips for connecting with donors virtually

We're virtual. And while it looks like there will be some in-person stuff happening in the near future, but maybe you're still Zoom Zoom Zooming it up with your donors. I think that's just going to be here to stay for some donors. So, let's talk about how to make the most of a virtual connection. You ready?

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

How do I know if I need a fundraising coach?

Fundraising coaches are becoming more popular and I love it. Fundraising can be a real challenge, especially when it comes to major gift fundraising, and a fundraising coach is a great idea if you’re looking to not just raise more but be the best.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

7 Reasons To Ask For More Right Now

You can change the world faster. That change that you want to see? The injustice you wanna end? The children who need a mentor? The marginalized community who you know deserves better? Let's create the world where all are equal and fairly treated. Let's not wait any longer to make that a reality. Asking for more makes that future a reality today.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

Creative ways to say "no"

I have managed and worked with nonprofit boards for over a decade and I had a boss for about as long. I can tell you that so much of fundraising growth is about managing expectations and keeping the main thing, the main thing. Distractions are everywhere. Opportunities always pop up.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

That one time the board chair raised $225,000 in a year

Do you have a board member who often asks how you're bringing in new donors? And maybe they are great connectors themselves? These board members are who I refer to as "Catalysts". And I am willing to bet that you have at least one Catalyst on your board. Don't get it twisted--Catalysts don't just start off being all-stars. They need to be invested in.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

How I closed $250k from a 25-year-old who drove a Prius

I was at a happy hour networking event. Remember those? How we dreaded them and now they are... thought of longingly. At least, by me. Well, I met this young professional who worked at Deloitte as a consultant. Nice guy. Interested in philanthropy. He gave me his card, mentioned that he wanted to do more with his giving, then drove off in his Prius.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

So, most of your board members and donors are white…

So, let's talk about something that is a giant misconception in philanthropy. White people have more money. (That's not the misconception, that's a fact.) White people are more generous. (That's the misconception.) What happens is nonprofits get distracted by wealth when we should focus on passion and generosity. Here's how I'll explain it.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

Donor-Advised Funds: Here’s what you need to know

Why should I care about DAFs? Your donors probably have them. They are the fastest growing way to give to charity today. I think, in part, this is because these commercial funds make it SUPER easy and clear to give to them. And nonprofits usually make giving more complicated.

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