Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

$134B in 4 weeks

$134B in 4 weeks. That’s what Americans gave to charity in the month of December in 2019. It’s roughly 30% of ALL giving done in 2019!

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

How to make values-based decisions instead of fear-based

As a leader serving the community you care about, it can be tempting to overextend yourself and your team. You are a leader led by compassion to give your life away on behalf of others. But where do you draw the line? How do you avoid being distracted? You see the strategies that you know are great to implement, but how to prioritize?

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

What if I told you 5, 6, and 7-figure gifts are hidden within your organization right now?

I’ve worked with so many nonprofit organizations over the course of the last decade+ and I want to share some results that are absolutely possible for you. Due to the private nature of these relationships and to maintain my client’s confidentiality, no names of individuals or organizations are listed in these case studies, but I share as much detail as possible to get a sense of the organization’s size.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

How to enjoy fundraising more

I help people who are already good at fundraising get great at fundraising. Maximize their donors. Maximize their impact. Stop the incessant looking for new new new and appreciate the current donors you have. That’s where the most sustainable new business strategy lies anyway. But what if we centered enjoyment in our work more? What might be the result?

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

The secret to overcoming fear when asking for more money

So often, even after we’ve done the research, we understand that our donor lives in a $3M home, we understand that they have been giving since the start of our organization, we understand that they are passionate about the mission and work being done, and look at the tangible evidence that not only do they have the capacity to give $10k+, but are inclined to do so—why is it that we still struggle to raise the money? Fear.

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

3 Tips for Creating a World-Class Board Experience

Every board member wants to do a good job as a board member. Every organization wants to create a great experience for their board members. Imagine a board that fundraises and makes the give/get requirement obsolete, shows up and brings their best energy and ideas, and it’s fun working together! How to do it?

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Julie Ordoñez Julie Ordoñez

You Don’t Need New Donors

Every nonprofit client I’ve ever worked with has raised more money in less time. Hands down. However, it’s rarely from first-time donors. My client typically thinks their largest donors are tapped and once we invest more in the relationship, we learn it’s not even close.

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