S5 Ep. 6: Avoiding Feedback is Holding Your Mission Back
S5 Ep. 6 Avoiding Feedback is Holding Your Mission Back
Hi friend, In this episode, I’m giving you an inside look at one of our Courage Lab coaching calls. During this session, I shared insights about the relationship between executive directors and development directors and how they can create a culture of feedback to thrive.
Here’s what you’ll hear:
- Why feedback is essential for growth: If your goals include personal and professional growth—or raising more money than ever before—feedback isn’t optional. It's critical.
- Lessons from elite athletes: Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant didn’t just rely on natural talent; they invested in feedback to refine their skills and gain even the smallest edge.
- The real cost of avoiding feedback: In nonprofits, a lack of accountability often means the community we’re serving pays the price. As leaders, we need to step up, even when it’s uncomfortable.
- Practical strategies for better feedback:
- Be honest consistently—not just during annual performance reviews.
- Share feedback immediately to avoid letting frustrations build up.
- Create a culture where feedback flows in all directions: manager-to-team, peer-to-peer, and even upward.
I also share a story about coaching a development team that struggled to get the best out of their staff. Spoiler: The issue wasn’t the team—it was a lack of honest, ongoing feedback from leadership.
If you’ve been holding back on giving feedback because you’re afraid of being perceived the wrong way or making someone uncomfortable, this episode is for you. Growth requires courage—and honest conversations.
Enjoy the episode!
Let me know your biggest takeaway, and as always, I’m cheering you on.
Quotes from the episode:
“ feedback matters and it's imperative. It's essential if you want to grow”
“ Feedback is essential if you want to get better. If you want to improve, you need feedback. You need to give it and you need to receive it.”
“ Are you here to win Miss Congeniality or are you here to make a difference?”
“ Nobody wants to do a crappy job. Nobody wakes up thinking, can't wait to disappoint everyone”